Monday, March 14, 2016

A Playhouse

Angel and Princess decided that they wanted a playhouse for their birthdays instead of parties.  

Angel got right to work drawing out the plans. (sorry it's sideways....i'm to lazy to fix it)

We drove to the big city and loaded the beams onto of our suburban.

Out my sunroof :)

We went after Mr. Lineman got off work.  It was fairly late heading back (an hr from our town.)
Girls fell fast asleep.

We got right to work the next day.  Rented an auger to dig 4 post holes 4 ft down. I didn't get a picture, but Mr. Lineman made sure everything was level and lined up before we set them with concrete. 

The girls play SO incredibly well together.  I can't believe how blessed we are.  They truly are best friends in every way.  The entire time Mr. Lineman and I worked on the playhouse, they played together.  
They played hide-and-go-seek. Can you find Babyboo?

They ate snacks together and giggled laughing about something in their swing for about 20 minutes.

Explored the ladders! 

They even helped us when they could! 

We are so lucky Mr. Lineman is so handy and creative :) 

Back wall all framed! Mr. Lineman ran out of 2x4's, so we will have to wait till we can get back to the big city! Girls are so excited!

Anyone notice I changed baby boos nickname to princess?  She is ALWAYS, 99.99999% of the time, dressed in a princess dress.  It seems more fitting :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Whats in the name?

Wheelin With The Eatons started in late 2008.  My husband officially became a lineman and I officially graduated with my teaching licenses in elementary education and physical education (thus our domain name).  We went on the road for Mr. Linemans job, lived in a 5thwheel for almost 3 years and saw lots of places. Angel was born about a year after we started traveling and life was good!!!

We have now settled, bought a house, baby boo was born and life is even better.  All this started because..... Two People Fell In Love!

Why is Angel nicknamed Angel? She is named after my grandma. Who passed away.  So she is my Angel.  She also saved me from lonely pit of boredom and depression while we were traveling.  God knew I needed a special surprise. And so, along she came.

Baby boo?  I have no idea where this came.  But, my youngest sweetheart has been baby boo for a long time.

Monday, March 7, 2016


Angel has been in Kindergarten now for over half the year.  She over all likes it.  Some days seem harder than others.  I have no experience with public schools as I went to private school.  As a mother, I want all my chicks under my wings.  I took a chance though, and sent her to public school.

Over all, I haven't had any problems with it.  But lately, things seem to be coming up.  Angel explains things to me about other kids.  I'm not very impressed with what other kids say or do.  The other day, they were playing Walking Dead. . . at age 5.  Inappropriate to me.  I try and raise my kids in a Christian environment with age appropriate exposure.  It baffles me how some kids are raised.  

In light of some things and how Angel feels about it....we have decided to homeschool her next year for 1st grade.  What an adventure that will be for us!! I have flirted with the idea over the past several years.  Some how, I lost sight of the values I wanted to teach my children.  I'm excited.  I wish I could take her out now.  

Since we have made that decision, I have been pouring myself into curriculum after curriculum.  Trying to decide which ones would be best for our family.  I finally settled on one.  Now i'm trying to figure out a great resource for teaching Angel about drawing.  She's such a great little drawer! 

Time to return my focus to education my girls and raising good Christian children.  

Welcome back!

Welcome back! Not sure if I have any followers anymore.  I decided to revive my blog.  A lot has changed in our life since 3 years ago! 

For security and identity reasons, I will no longer be posting my children's names, nor my husband or mine.  I will be known as the Teacher, My husband as Mr. Lineman, and my oldest as Angel and my Youngest as Baby Boo.   

I don't know where this blog will go.  Right now, I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind.  

Welcome to our journey!