Angel and Princess decided that they wanted a playhouse for their birthdays instead of parties.
Angel got right to work drawing out the plans. (sorry it's sideways....i'm to lazy to fix it)
We drove to the big city and loaded the beams onto of our suburban.
Out my sunroof :)
We went after Mr. Lineman got off work. It was fairly late heading back (an hr from our town.)
Girls fell fast asleep.
We got right to work the next day. Rented an auger to dig 4 post holes 4 ft down. I didn't get a picture, but Mr. Lineman made sure everything was level and lined up before we set them with concrete.
The girls play SO incredibly well together. I can't believe how blessed we are. They truly are best friends in every way. The entire time Mr. Lineman and I worked on the playhouse, they played together.
They played hide-and-go-seek. Can you find Babyboo?
They ate snacks together and giggled laughing about something in their swing for about 20 minutes.
Explored the ladders!
They even helped us when they could!
We are so lucky Mr. Lineman is so handy and creative :)
Back wall all framed! Mr. Lineman ran out of 2x4's, so we will have to wait till we can get back to the big city! Girls are so excited!
Anyone notice I changed baby boos nickname to princess? She is ALWAYS, 99.99999% of the time, dressed in a princess dress. It seems more fitting :)